
We are a great family

Jason LeeCheif Executive Officer

Founded start-ups across two continents, raised millions in seed funding, and held leadership positions in a couple of the world’s largest companies. Eight start-ups in 14 years. Two positive exits, two miscalculations, one in continuous operation.

Daniel RichardsCheif Business Development Officer

Daniel has 20 years of sales leadership experience and has successfully developed and managed teams for small and large scale international operations. Daniel focuses his efforts on training and developing internal growth and business development.

John LewisCheif Marketing Officer

John is a seasoned marketing veteran with over 20 years of experience within the B2B and B2C finance sector. He has managed both agencies and internal marketing efforts leading them to raise and generate revenues of over a billion dollars collectively.

Terence TanCheif Strategy Officer

Terence has more than 18 years of experience in the Direct Selling and was lead trainer in multiple Direct Selling Companies leading teams of more than 10,000 associates across SE Asia while achieving sales of more than USD 20 million in just 2.5 years.

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